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"KEPCO NF wins Presidential Award for new technology promotion" Detail View
KEPCO NF wins Presidential Award for new technology promotion




KEPCO NF wins Presidential Award for new technology promotion




KEPCO NF is conferred the Presidential Award from the Ministry of Knowledge Economy for practical use of new technology on November 16, 2011.



KEPCO NF gained the Presidential Award from the Ministry of Knowledge Economy for the promotion of practical use of its original technology on November 26, 2011. The valuable zirconium alloy tubes cold pilgering technology was certified as new technology from the ministry in December 2009. It is now applied to the manufacturing of all nuclear fuel alloy tubes which are used for light-water nuclear reactors. The technology is expected to make a great contribution to the overseas exports of nuclear reactors and their parts in the years ahead.


Since 2009, KCEP NF has met all the domestic needs of nuclear alloy tubes by applying the technology that measures the quality and performance of the tubes, the core component of nuclear fuel. Starting Late 2011, the alloy tubes have been shipped to the Westinghouse Electric Company of the United States.