Nuclear Fuel Design, and Safety Analysis
KEPCO NF performs high-level core design and safety analysis for safe and economic nuclear reactor fuel.
KEPCO NF performs high-level core design and safety analysis for safe and economic nuclear reactor fuel. We solely offer core design and safety analysis for all domestic pressurized light-water reactors in operation and also contribute to enhance operational performance and economic feasibility of the nuclear reactor based on our design technologies accumulated over the years.
KEPCO NF provides the initial and reload core design and safety analysis. To ensure that the fuel loaded in the reactor safely performs and produces enough energy necessary for power generation, we carry out transient and accident analysis and as well as offer designs for core, thermal-hydraulics, fuel rod, and fuel assembly. We believe that our excellent performance of reactor core design and safety analysis is a key procedure for safe plant operation and this enables us to support the need for reliable and economic power supply. KEPCO NF also contributes to nuclear power plant export by providing the core design and safety analysis for nuclear power plants in the UAE.
Core design selects the core loading pattern and analyzes core characteristics; thermal-hydraulic design fixes critical heat flux limit value; fuel rod design evaluates rod integrity such as rod internal pressure and corrosion resistance; fuel assembly design evaluates fuel assembly integrity such as component stress and strain; transient and accident analysis conduct safety evaluation to show that there is no problem in safety even under assumption of the power plant accident. That is, core design and safety analysis are important processes to produce electricity stably by securing economic efficiency as well as ensuring the safety of nuclear power plant. Along with this, KEPCO NF offers high added value engineering services with the most advanced technology to increase safety, convenience and economic efficiency of nuclear power plant.