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QA Activity

QA Activity

QA Activity

Safety is the priority in the nuclear industry, and thus the nuclear fuel with best quality is essential. The quality assurance policy by KEPCO NF is to provide safe, reliable and economic high-quality fuel to customers, and KEPCO NF is putting its best effort to provide sustainable quality improvement and development to fulfill customer satisfaction.

KEPCO NF manages quality assurance and quality control through establishing and operating its own quality assurance system to meet the customer and government's requirements such as the Atomic Energy Act, Korea Electric Power Industry Code (KEPIC-QAP), ISO9001, ASME NQA-1 and so on. We do our best to ensure the quality and reliability of nuclear fuel through all stages from design to delivery complying with our policy. KEPCO NF acquired ISO 9001 Certification for the quality management system from the UL Company, U.S. in 1997, and was also authorized by the Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (KOLAS) in 2001 as a National Calibration Laboratory for the calibration quality system according to the National Standards Act and the ISO/IEC 17025 requirements.

Particularly, we submitted ISO application in 2010 for a method of measuring a gadolinia content and it was accepted as ISO International Standard in 2012. With its acceptance as the Korea's first ISO International Standard under ISO/TC 85 nuclear energy standards, we contributed outstandingly to worldwide recognition for Korea’s measurement technology. Since 2001, KEPCO NF has been consecutively certified as Excellent Quality Competitive Enterprise by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy owing to prominent achievements in efficient quality management.