Leading the global nuclear market through active participation in overseas projects
Overseas Nuclear Power Plant Projects
KEPCO NF has been supplying nuclear fuels to nuclear power plants in the United Arab Emirates(UAE) which KEPCO-led consortium contracted in 2009 since 2017. In addition to supplying whole quantity of nuclear fuel (PLUS7™) required for four units in the UAE, KEPCO NF also carries out the core design and safety analysis for initial and reload cores for each unit and technology transfer for core design and safety analysis to the UAE based on the KEPCO NF design code and methodology. With the overseas business experience and its own technology, KEPCO NF is working together with KEPCO and KHNP as a part of Team Korea to win contracts for new overseas nuclear power plant projects in the Czech Republic, Poland, Netherlands, UK, etc.
Nuclear Fuel Technology Exports
Based on the high quality nuclear fuel manufacturing technology and experience, KEPCO NF is a leading manufacturer and exporter of major nuclear fuel components such as cladding tubes, top and bottom nozzles, grids, and fuel rod springs, as well as fuel components manufacturing equipment, poolside examination equipment, and fuel fabrication plant construction related technology to the United States, Brazil, Argentina, China, Canada, South Africa, Japan, Denmark and so on. With KEPCO NF’s nuclear fuel performance and domestic nuclear fuel supply experiences in Korea, exports of nuclear fuel components, manufacturing equipments and engineering technology are gradually increasing. In addition, KEPCO NF is strategically working for the export of nuclear fuel to overseas commercial nuclear power plants with its best technology.