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PR FORUM Press Release

Press Release

"KEPCO NF Held a Proclamation Ceremony for Safety Management to Renew Its Commitment to Disaster Prevention" Detail View
KEPCO NF Held a Proclamation Ceremony for Safety Management to Renew Its Commitment to Disaster Prevention


[Photo Description] KNF held a proclamation ceremony for safety management and capacity
            building seminar for safety management personnel.



On December 27 and 28, KEPCO Nuclear Fuel (KNF, CEO Choi Ik-soo) held a proclamation ceremony for safety management to fundamentally prevent serious disasters as well as capacity building seminar for core talent of safety management at Daejeon Convention Center.


During the ceremony, members of KNF proclaimed their will to carry out safety management practice with “prevention first” and “field-oriented” approaches by selecting the following strategic tasks: preventive management of the health conditions of employee; strengthening the disaster safety system to improve the safety monitoring and crisis response capabilities; building a safe workplace; establishing a mutual cooperation system to ensure the safety of suppliers; and creating an experience-oriented safety training center.


KNF has set the prevention of serious disaster as the top priority for the year 2022 and strived for safety management through reorganization of safety management structure and installation of a team dedicated to serious disaster prevention in line with the enactment of the Serious Accidents Punishment Act (enforced in January 2022).


In the meantime, a capacity building seminar for the core staff of safety management was held to give presentations and discuss about the following topics: cases of incidents and recurrence prevention measures; safety management of employees and nuclear facilities; measures to strengthen health and safety capabilities; and the result of safety patrol operation and improvement measures.


KNF has spread and implemented the training of core resources of safety management to improve the performance of safety management supervisors and introduced the performance assessment system to advance and systematize the safety management duty.


CEO Choi Ik-soo said, “Every member of KNF should make an effort to guarantee the safety of workplace. We executives will always set safety as the top priority for management to build a safe workplace where employees are assured of safety.”