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PR FORUM Press Release

Press Release

"KEPCO NF Attains "Excellent" Grade for Two Consecutive Years in Evaluation of Public Institutions for Shared Growth" Detail View
KEPCO NF Attains "Excellent" Grade for Two Consecutive Years in Evaluation of Public Institutions for Shared Growth

KEPCO Nuclear Fuel (KNF, CEO Choi Ik-soo) announced on the 20th it attained "Excellent”, the highest grade, in this year's evaluation of public institutions for shared growth for two consecutive years.


The Ministry of SMEs and Startups and the Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership conduct annual evaluations to encourage public institutions to play a leading role in achieving shared growth and cooperation with domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The evaluation sums up the public institutions' performance on shared growth and SMEs' evaluation of cooperation, and is divided into five grades: excellent, very good, good, fair, and need for improvement.


KNF, which is categorized as a quasi-government (other) among 134 public institutions (36 public companies, 98 quasi-governments (others)), attained the "Excellent" grade for two consecutive years.


KNF has promoted various shared growth projects under the CEOs strong will that it is a prerequisite to achieve shared growth together with SMEs for the public institutions sustained growth. It has established "three strategies for promoting shared growth," which include enhancing shared growth strategies and building support capabilities, strengthening technological cooperation and support for improving competitiveness, and strengthening mutual cooperation and realizing a fair economy. The company has systematically carried out detailed tasks for each strategy and further strengthened its internal and external driving forces.




KNF continues its efforts to co-exist and prosper with SMEs by providing financial funds and offering subsidized employment programs for SMEs' stable management. In addition, KNF stores and protects SMEs’ technical data and technology and provides them with technology-sharing services. It operates a task force to support shared growth and a response center to handle complaints from SMEs and solve their difficulties.


CEO Choi Ik-soo said, "We will continue to fulfill our social responsibilities as a public institution and make continuous efforts to co-exist and prosper with our partner SMEs and our community."


[Photo Descrption] The complete view of KNF